
Workshop: Expert opinion as evidence

7. 2. 2025

On Friday, I trained attorneys in a practical workshop on: Expert opinion as evidence. The workshop had a very constructive atmosphere in which the rich experience of the attorneys was shared. I explained the difference between an expert’s procedure and a report on that procedure, by which the expert demonstrates how he or she has resolved a given technical question.

27. 1. 2025

We have published the 5th episode of our podcast Expert Stamp, in which we focused on another element of the expert report, “Justification”.
You can listen to the new episode on our Spotify and YouTube.

2. 1. 2025

We have published the 4th episode of our podcast Expert Stamp, in which we focused on another part of the expert report “Opinion”.
You can listen to the new episode on our Spotify and YouTube.

A unique study on the causes of juvenile delinquency

21. 12. 2024

Together with my colleague, Mgr. Skořepa, we are co-authors of a study accepted by an impacted scientific periodical.
The study deals with a case of delinquent behaviour of an adolescent girl in whom the usual causes of such behaviour are not present. This is a long-term project of our institute to publish two thematically similar case studies (a boy and a girl). In this case, the second study is of a girl who committed multiple thefts. This is unique qualitative research that explores the experiences of children from otherwise functional families and environments who nevertheless commit large-scale delinquent acts. The most difficult part of this project was finding juvenile delinquent who come from functional families.

Hlavní zdroje
Závora, J., Skořepa, V., & Michalec, J. (2025). A case study of juvenile delinquency: A girl from a functional family. Československá Psychologie69(1).
Závora, J., Horynová, M., & Skořepa, V. (2024). A case study of juvenile delinquency: A boy from a functional family. Československá Psychologie68(4), 358-371.

18. 12. 2024

We have published the 3rd episode of our podcast Expert Stamp, in which we focused on another element of the expert report “Data collection”.
You can listen to the new episode on our Spotify and YouTube.

Podcast recording Expert Stamp

29. 11. 2024

The next episodes of the Expert Stamp podcast have been recorded. Together with doc. Dufek and dr. Dřínovský from FAST VUT and doc. Krabec from VŠE, we explain the next steps of the expert procedure, based on our experiences from examinations of candidates for registration in the list of experts. The podcast may also be useful for already appointed experts, attorneys, judges, etc.

22. 11. 2024

We have published Part 2 of our Expert Stamp podcast, in which we discuss the requirement for “data sources” in the expert report.
You can listen to this episode on our Spotify and YouTube.

7. 11. 2024

The IFSP together with the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Brno University of Technology have produced a podcast miniseries dedicated to new candidates for the expert stamp. In the podcast I am joined by 3 other members or chairmen of the examination committees, doc. Zdeněk Dufek, doc. Tomáš Krabec and dr. Lukáš Dřínovský, who are prominent personalities in the field of Czech expert witnessing with unique experience. The podcast focuses on the structured procedure of the expert according to the current regulation of expert activities. The expert witness procedure is intended to improve the reviewability of expert reports. 

You can already listen to the first episode on Spotify and YouTube.

The guidelines of Prosecutor General´s Office

17. 9. 2024

I consulted on the guidelines of commissioning of sample questions for psychiatric experts in criminal proceedings, prepared by the Prosecutor General´s Office. The methodology is of particular importance when commissioning expert reports in the field of health care, branch of psychiatry, which are to address the issue of the offender’s sanity. The aim of the guidelines is to improve the practice of law enforcement authorities and psychiatric experts in the performance of their expert activities.

29. 8. 2024

At the end of August, the 19th European Council for High Ability (ECHA) Conference took place in Thessaloniki. At the conference, the lead author, Jana Pleskotová, presented a case study of a ten-year-old boy with exceptional ability. Together with my colleague, Hana Sirotková, we were co-authors. The poster was well received. Amongst other conference participants, our poster caught the attention of the president of ECHA and the organisers of the next ECHA 2025 conference to be held in Karlstad. Thanks to Jana for a great representation!

26. 8. 2024

With my colleague, Mgr. Skořepa, we are co-authors of a recently published study in an impacted scientific periodical. The study deals with a case of delinquent behavior of an adolescent in whom the usual causes of such behavior are not present. This is a long-term project of our institute to publish two thematically similar case studies (a boy and a girl). This is a unique qualitative research study that explores the experiences of children from otherwise functional families and environments who nevertheless engage in extensive delinquent behaviors. The most difficult part of the research is to find these extremely specific cases and understand this specific experience.

Main resources
Závora, J., Horynová, M., & Skořepa, V. (2024). A case study of juvenile delinquency: A boy from a functional family. Československá Psychologie68(4), 358-371.
Hoeve, M., Dubas, J. S., Eichelsheim, V. I., Van der Laan, P. H., Smeenk, W., & Gerris, J. R. (2009). The relationship between parenting and delinquency: a meta-analysis. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 37(6), 749-775.
Janssen, H. J., Eichelsheim, V. I., Dekovic, M., & Bruinsma, G. J. N. (2016). How is parenting related to adolescent delinquency? A between- and within-person analysis of the mediating role of self-control, delinquent attitudes, peer delinquency, and time spent in criminogenic settings. European Journal of Criminology, 13(2), 169-194. 

Award for the best law journal in the Czech and Slovak Republics 

6. 5. 2024

The scientific law journal AUCI (SCOPUS) is competing for the award of the best law journal CZ and SK. Last year I published in AUCI a theoretical study on the new principle of reviewability of expert evidence, which I authored. Structural evidence was inserted into the current regulation of expert evidence on the basis of a 2017 study I prepared on commission from the Ministry of Justice.

I was a lecturer in expert witness procedure at the Faculty of Law of Charles University

30. 4. 2024

I lectured on the procedure of an expert according to the new regulation of expert activities in the fields of psychology and identification of the writer at the Faculty of Law of Charles University. The lecture took place within the course of forensic expert witnessing, which is conducted by JUDr. Martin Richter, Ph.D. from the Department of Criminal Law of the Faculty of Law of Charles University.

Meeting of the Advisory Council of the Ministry of Justice


4. 4. 2024

I was an invited guest at a meeting of the Economic Advisory Board of the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic. The discussion was held on the issues of the application of the expert’s procedure in the economic sectors of expertise.

Educational event for expert psychiatrists


27. 3. 2024

With my colleague, Mgr. Skořepa, we participated in the training event of the Judicial Academy for psychiatric experts. The key topic was the reviewable procedure of the expert in solving professional questions concerning the sanity of offenders. The main speakers were Dr. Pleva and Dr. Tejnská from the NSZ.

I was examing new applicants for expert authorization at the Ministry of Justice


20. 3. 2024

For the fourteenth time, as a methodologist at the Ministry of Justice, I was examing new applicants for expert witness credentials. This time it was in the field of fire protection. This extremely important forensic field was represented in the examination committee by Doc. Ing. Petr Kučera, PhD. and the other member of the commission Mgr. Radek Kislinger.

You can find an animation and training on the expert witness procedure on our YouTube channel.

Together with my colleague I gave an interview for Seznam Zprávy on the quality of work of forensic experts


5. 2. 2024

The media image of Czech experts is shaped by highly problematic cases, but many experts in the Czech Republic are doing top-notch work, said in an interview for Seznam Zprávy, which we gave together with Mgr. Bohdana Nováková.

24. 1. 2024

In January I gave an invited lecture at a top expert workplace, Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering. The topic of the lecture was of course related to the procedure of an expert according to the new legal regulation of expert activities in the Czech Republic.

21. – 23. 9. 2023

For the students of the Master Forensic Science programme we arranged a three-day internship which included lectures on the new regulation of expert performance in the Czech Republic (Dr. Závora), on the interdisciplinary project on speaker identification (Mgr. Skořepa) and on the falsity of expert opinion in the decision-making practice of courts in the Czech Republic (Mgr. Nováková).

The Judicial Academy, Kroměříž


23. 5. 2023

In May, I gave a lecture in Kroměříž to the judges of the Kralovehradecky Region on the structural concept of reviewability in the new regulation of expert activities

March 2023

In March, I published an article in the prestigious law journal AUCI (SCOPUS) in which I interpret the broader meaning of the structural concept of reviewability of expert reports. The codification of the expert’s procedure (Article 52 of Decree 503/2020) and the requisites of an expert report (Article 41 of Decree 503/2020) was based on my study published in 2017.

New legal regulation of expert performance

The previous legal regulation of expert performance did not provide sufficient conditions for the expert report assessment. Based on the assignment of the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic, a study proposing a structure-based expert procedure was formulated by a member of our institute Dr. Jiří Závora and published in 2017. On the basis of this study, Decree No. 503/2020 Coll. modified the mandatory procedure of the expert. The IFSP prepares professional workshops and creates didactic materials on the structure-based expert procedure for lawyers and experts.

Interview: About the new expert´s procedure regulation and document authentication

Record of training course: The expert´s procedure

Training course of experts for the Judicial Academy
2. 6. 2022
  • The expert´s procedure
  • Structure of expert report

The Judicial Academy, Kroměříž – training course for judges

The Judicial Academy, Kroměříž

June 2022

Procedure of the expert according to the new regulation of expert performance

An experimental probe of the quality of document authentication in the Czech Republic

Document authentication is a public administration service confirming the existence of an original document. The authentication officer is legally obliged to recognize the original document through an authentication element (Act No. 21/2006 Coll. and Article 73 of Act No. 358/1992 Coll., Notarial Code) and to recognize an obvious forgery (Supreme Court of the Czech Republic 30 Cdo 1966/2013). To test the functionality of authentication, we conducted an experiment in which we managed to obtain an obviously dubious document authenticated in 77 % cases. Since the authenticated copy contains a clause of authenticity, it is difficult to prove a forgery. The surprising results of the experiment were published in the journal “Státní zastupitelství” but also presented in the interview “Výzva Jiřího Kubíka”. The experiment attracted widespread media attention.

Addressed conclusion of expert´s opinion

If the name of the writer is mentioned in the conclusion of the expert’s report, the expert must state in the data production section (§ 41 (2) Regulation No. 503/2020 SB) that he personally carried out a handwriting experiment in which he saw the writer in question write. At the same time, in the data processing section, the expert must state that he has carried out a thorough validation (§ 55(2)) of the entire comparative sample, i.e. both the collected and requested handwriting samples. Otherwise, the expert can only formulate a conclusion (§ 58) that is non-addressed, i.e. signed/unsigned by the writer of the comparative samples.

Podcast: Forensic handwriting identification part I.

June 2021 

  • Handwriting identity in criminal proceedings
  • Handwriting identity manifestations
  • Different aims and methods of graphology
  • Handwriting identity analysis
  • Disguising handwriting identity

Podcast: Forensic handwriting identification part III.

September 2021 

  • Nemotenetur principle and handwriting samples provision
  • The importance of the handwriting experiment 
  • Cognitive bias of the expert
  • Unacceptable legal evaluation and interference in proceeding participant´s evidence initiative
  • Expert report in criminal and civil proceeding
Main resources
Trest Online

October 2021 

Comment on President Miloš Zeman’s signature on the document convening the session of the Chamber of Deputies


6. 4. 2018

The editorial staff of the news server has published an apology for misleading information that affected my honour and dignity

Main resources

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